Welcome to the ARTisIVF API! You can use our API (called ARTis IVF going forward) to access the API endpoints, which will help create, update and read multiple facets of patient information from onboarding to treatment journey.
JSON schema of the request and response objects for the API calls and the event data is displayed in the dark area to the right.
To authorize, use the below headers in the HTTP API request code:
"X-Customer-Code": "Customer-1",
"X-Branch-Code": "HYD-1",
"X-API-Key": "MySecretAPIKey",
"X-API-Version": "1"
Make sure to replace
with your API key.
ARTis uses API keys to allow access to the API. You can ask your Admin user to provide the API key. This is available in the Admin -> Global -> Customer -> API section of the application.
ARTis expects for the API key to be included in all API requests to the server in a header that looks like the following:
X-API-Key: MySecretAPIKey
Integration for all the data which flows into ARTis from your application is supported by REST APIs. These APIs are organized into different modules as listed below:
- Appointments
- Pharmacy
- Referral doctors
Integration for all the data which flows from ARTis into your application is supported by a Webhook. In the API profile you can provide a webhook url. This is available in the Admin -> Global -> Customer -> API section of the application. ARTis will call the webhook url based on a your preferred trigger interval/schedule with a HTTP POST request. The request body is sent in JSON format. These events are organized into different modules as listed below:
- Appointments
- Billing
- User
- Services
Each outbound event will be structured as follows:
"eventId": "unique_identifier",
"event": "event_name",
"version": "version_number",
"data": {
// event-specific data
Attrubute | Description |
eventId |
Unique identifier for an event. |
event |
Name of the event. |
version |
version number. |
data |
Event data. |
Note: Optional attributes in the event data are marked in italic.
Appointment APIs
Appointment modes
Get all appointment modes
curl -X GET\
-H "X-Customer-Code: Customer-1"\
-H "X-Branch-Code: HYD-1"\
-H "X-API-Key: MySecretAPIKey"\
-H "X-API-Version: 1"\
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"appointmentModes": [
"id": 1,
"name": "Telephonic"
"id": 2,
"name": "Walk-in"
"id": 3,
"name": "Web/Online"
This endpoint retrieves all appointment modes.
HTTP Request
The appointment mode represents the booking mode for appointment. Only active appointment modes are returned by this API call. The response is a collection of appointment modes with the id and name properties. To schedule an appointment you will need to provide the id of the appointment mode.
Appointment reasons
Get all appointment reasons
curl -X GET\
-H "X-Customer-Code: Customer-1"\
-H "X-Branch-Code: HYD-1"\
-H "X-API-Key: MySecretAPIKey"\
-H "X-API-Version: 1"\
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"appointmentReasons": [
"id": 1,
"name": "Consents",
"appointmentReasonGroupName": "Consultation"
"id": 3,
"name": "IUI",
"appointmentReasonGroupName": "Procedure"
"id": 5,
"name": "FET",
"appointmentReasonGroupName": "Treatment"
This endpoint retrieves all appointment reasons.
HTTP Request
This API returns active appointment reasons. Each appointment reason also has the appointment group name, this is helpful for listing all the reasons grouped by the appointment group name for the user. The response is a collection of appointment reasons with the id, name and appointmentReasonGroupName properties. To schedule an appointment you will need to provide the id of the appointment reason.
Appointment time slots
Get all available/open appointment time slots on a given date for a consultant doctor
curl -X GET\
-H "X-Customer-Code: Customer-1"\
-H "X-Branch-Code: HYD-1"\
-H "X-API-Key: MySecretAPIKey"\
-H "X-API-Version: 1"\
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"availableTimeSlots": [
"id": 1,
"beginsAt": "14:45:00",
"endsAt": "15:00:00"
"id": 2,
"beginsAt": "15:00:00",
"endsAt": "15:15:00"
"id": 3,
"beginsAt": "15:15:00",
"endsAt": "15:30:00"
"id": 4,
"beginsAt": "15:30:00",
"endsAt": "15:45:00"
This endpoint retrieves all available appointment time slots of a consultant doctor.
HTTP Request
Query Parameters
Parameter | Default | Description |
consultantDoctorId | none | Id of the consultant doctor eg: 12. |
date | none | Date value in the format YYYY-MM-DD eg: 2024-05-27. |
The API returns a list of appointment time slots with beginsAt and endsAt time in 24 hour representation. These are the currently available/open time slots of the given consultant doctor. The response is a collection of appointment time slots with the id, beginsAt and endsAt properties. To schedule an appointment you will need to provide the id of the appointment time slot.
Schedule appointment
Schedule appointment with a consultant doctor for a lead/patient on a given date
curl -X POST\
-H "X-Customer-Code: Customer-1"\
-H "X-Branch-Code: HYD-1"\
-H "X-API-Key: MySecretAPIKey"\
-H "X-API-Version: 1"\
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-d '{
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Smith",
"mobile": "1234567890",
"sendSms": "No",
"email": "",
"gender": "Male",
"scheduledDate": "2024-05-29",
"appointmentTimeSlotId": 274,
"appointmentReasonId": 10,
"appointmentModeId": 2,
"consultantDoctorId": 22,
"countryId": 2,
"notes": "First visit",
"leadNumber": "Ref#2345",
"agentId": "INHU-005" # Replace with the user number from ARTis.
"referralId":10010102 # marketting referral Id(
}' \
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"appointment": {
"customerId": 1,
"branchId": 26,
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Smith",
"dialingCode": "91",
"mobile": "9980664411",
"gender": "Male",
"countryId": 1,
"email": "",
"scheduledDate": "2024-05-29",
"appointmentTimeSlotId": 515,
"appointmentReasonId": 512,
"appointmentModeId": 502,
"consultantDoctorId": 508,
"scheduledBy": 520,
"status": "Scheduled",
"sendSms": "No",
"leadNumber": "Ref#2345",
"createdAt": "2024-05-28T08:57:28.417Z",
"updatedAt": "2024-05-28T08:57:28.417Z",
"appointmentCancelReasonId": null,
"userId": null,
"caseFileId": null,
"id": 516,
"waitingTimeInMinutes": 0,
"consultationTimeInMinutes": 0,
"agentId": "INHU-005",
"referralId": 10010102
This endpoint schedules an appointment for a lead/patient.
HTTP Request
The API response includes the details of the scheduled appointment in JSON format.
Appointment cancel reasons
Get all appointment cancel reasons
curl -X GET\
-H "X-Customer-Code: Customer-1"\
-H "X-Branch-Code: HYD-1"\
-H "X-API-Key: MySecretAPIKey"\
-H "X-API-Version: 1"\
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"appointmentCancelReasons": [
"id": 1,
"name": "No show"
"id": 2,
"name": "Doctor - Personal"
"id": 3,
"name": "Doctor - Medical Emergency"
"id": 4,
"name": "Doctor - Official"
This endpoint retrieves all appointment cancel reasons. The response is a collection of appointment cancel reasons with the id, and name properties. To cancel an appointment you will need to provide the id of the appointment cancel reason.
HTTP Request
This API returns active appointment cancel reasons.
Cancel appointment
Cancel a prior scheduled appointment
curl -X PATCH\
-H "X-Customer-Code: Customer-1"\
-H "X-Branch-Code: HYD-1"\
-H "X-API-Key: MySecretAPIKey"\
-H "X-API-Version: 1"\
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-d '{
"appointmentCancelReasonId": 123,
"notes": "Some notes",
"sendSms": "No"
}' \
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"appointment": {
"id": 516,
"customerId": 1,
"branchId": 26,
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Smith",
"dialingCode": "91",
"mobile": "9980664411",
"gender": "Male",
"countryId": 1,
"email": "",
"scheduledDate": "2024-05-29",
"appointmentTimeSlotId": 515,
"appointmentReasonId": 512,
"appointmentModeId": 502,
"appointmentCancelReasonId": 511,
"consultantDoctorId": 508,
"userId": null,
"caseFileId": null,
"scheduledBy": 520,
"status": "Cancelled",
"sendSms": "No",
"leadNumber": "Ref#2345",
"waitingTimeInMinutes": 0,
"consultationTimeInMinutes": 0,
"agentId": "INHU-005",
"referralId": 10010102
This endpoint cancels a prior scheduled appointment of a lead/patient.
HTTP Request
The API response includes the details of the cancelled appointment in JSON format.
Update appointment
Update or reshedule a prior scheduled appointment
curl -X PATCH\
-H "X-Customer-Code: Customer-1"\
-H "X-Branch-Code: HYD-1"\
-H "X-API-Key: MySecretAPIKey"\
-H "X-API-Version: 1"\
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-d '{
"scheduledDate": "2024-05-29",
"appointmentTimeSlotId": 515,
"appointmentReasonId": 512,
"appointmentModeId": 502,
"consultantDoctorId": 518,
"notes": "comments",
"leadNumber": "Ref#2345",
"nationalIdentifier": "P0078653"
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"appointment": {
"id": 516,
"customerId": 1,
"branchId": 26,
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Smith",
"dialingCode": "91",
"mobile": "9980664411",
"gender": "Male",
"countryId": 1,
"email": "",
"scheduledDate": "2024-05-29",
"appointmentTimeSlotId": 515,
"appointmentReasonId": 512,
"appointmentModeId": 502,
"appointmentCancelReasonId": null,
"consultantDoctorId": 518,
"userId": null,
"caseFileId": null,
"scheduledBy": 520,
"status": "Rescheduled",
"sendSms": "No",
"leadNumber": "Ref#2345",
"waitingTimeInMinutes": 0,
"consultationTimeInMinutes": 0,
"agentId": "INHU-005",
"referralId": 10010102
This endpoint allows updation of appointment. If either consultant doctor id, time slot id or schedule date is changed then the status of the appointment is set to "Rescheduled" otherwise the status of the appointment is set to "Updated".
HTTP Request
The API response includes the details of the updated appointment in JSON format.
Consultant Doctor APIs
Consultant doctor
Get all consultant doctors who are available for booking appointments in the given branch
curl -X GET\
-H "X-Customer-Code: Customer-1"\
-H "X-Branch-Code: HYD-1"\
-H "X-API-Key: MySecretAPIKey"\
-H "X-API-Version: 1"\
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"availableConsultantDoctors": [
"id": 1,
"firstName": "Dr. Bart",
"lastName": "Simpson"
"id": 2,
"firstName": "Dr. Lisa",
"lastName": "Simpson"
"id": 3,
"firstName": "Dr. Homer",
"lastName": "Simpson"
This endpoint retrieves all consultant doctors in the given branch who are available for booking an appointment.
HTTP Request
This API returns a collection of consultation doctors with the attributes id, first name and last name. The list only includes the active consultant doctors in the given branch who are available for appointment booking.
Referral APIs
Marketing referrals
Get all marketing referrals
curl -X GET\
-H "X-Customer-Code: Customer-1"\
-H "X-Branch-Code: HYD-1"\
-H "X-API-Key: MySecretAPIKey"\
-H "X-API-Version: 1"\
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"activeMarketingReferrals": [
"id": 51000006,
"name": "GOOGLE"
"id": 51002229,
"name": "FACEBOOK"
"id": 51002230,
"name": "LINKEDIN"
This endpoint retrieves all active marketing referrals.
HTTP Request
System APIs
Get all countries
curl -X GET\
-H "X-Customer-Code: Customer-1"\
-H "X-Branch-Code: HYD-1"\
-H "X-API-Key: MySecretAPIKey"\
-H "X-API-Version: 1"\
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"countries": [
"id": 1,
"name": "India"
"id": 2,
"name": "Bangladesh"
This endpoint retrieves all countries.
HTTP Request
This API returns a collection of countries with the attributes id and name.
CaseFile APIs
Get User Synopsis details for a given case file
curl -X GET\
-H "X-Customer-Code: Customer-1"\
-H "X-Branch-Code: HYD-1"\
-H "X-API-Key: MySecretAPIKey"\
-H "X-API-Version: 1"\
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"id": 51000017,
"caseNumber": "ABC-17",
"registrationDate": "2022-11-22",
"users": [
"id": 51000134,
"userNumber": "ABC-134",
"email": "user@test.COM",
"firstName": "Jyothi",
"lastName": "K",
"mobile": "9999999999",
"gender": "Female",
"dateOfBirth": "1986-07-15",
"addressLine1": "APARTMENT 101, Financial District",
"addressLine2": "",
"city": "Hyderabad",
"state": "Telangana",
"zip": "",
"occupation": "Software Professional",
"patientSynopsisDetails": []
"id": 51000135,
"userNumber": "ABC-135",
"email": "",
"firstName": "SRIRAM ",
"lastName": "Y",
"mobile": "8888888888",
"gender": "Male",
"dateOfBirth": "1987-08-01",
"addressLine1": "APARTMENT 201",
"addressLine2": "",
"city": "RANGA REDDY",
"state": "TELANGANA",
"zip": "",
"occupation": "Business",
"patientSynopsisDetails": [
"id": 51000537,
"result": "Asthenospermia|Teratozoospermia",
"patientSynopsisSection": {
"id": 51000002,
"name": "Semen Analysis",
"category": "Male Investigations"
"id": 51000538,
"result": "Non-Obstructive",
"patientSynopsisSection": {
"id": 51000003,
"name": "Azoospermia",
"category": "Male Investigations"
"id": 51000539,
"result": "Karyotype issue|Y chromosome deletion",
"patientSynopsisSection": {
"id": 51000004,
"name": "Genetic Disorder",
"category": "History"
"id": 51000540,
"result": "Non-Reactive",
"patientSynopsisSection": {
"id": 51000020,
"name": "HIV",
"category": "Viral Markers"
"id": 51000541,
"result": "Not Known",
"patientSynopsisSection": {
"id": 51000021,
"name": "Hepatitis B",
"category": "Viral Markers"
"id": 51000542,
"result": "Reactive",
"patientSynopsisSection": {
"id": 51000022,
"name": "Hepatitis C",
"category": "Viral Markers"
"id": 51000543,
"result": "Non-Reactive",
"patientSynopsisSection": {
"id": 51000023,
"name": "VDRL",
"category": "Viral Markers"
"id": 51000544,
"result": "A+ve",
"patientSynopsisSection": {
"id": 51000024,
"name": "Blood Group",
"category": "Male Investigations"
"id": 51000545,
"result": "Raised FSH|Low FSH|Hyper-prolactinemia|Hyper-Thyroid",
"patientSynopsisSection": {
"id": 51000038,
"name": "Hormonal Status",
"category": "History"
"id": 51000546,
"result": "1",
"patientSynopsisSection": {
"id": 51000041,
"name": "Semen Freezing",
"category": "Freezing"
"id": 51000547,
"result": "29/11/2024",
"patientSynopsisSection": {
"id": 51000042,
"name": "Expiry date",
"category": "Freezing"
Appointment Events
Occurs when appointment is created in ARTis.
event payload:
"event": "appointment.created",
"version": "1",
"eventId": "f8ca8ea0-0840-11ef-8211-0242ac120003",
"data": {
"branchCode": "Hyd-1",
"id": 10000002,
"mode": "Walk-In",
"firstName": "Rama",
"lastName": "Krishna",
"mobile": "1234567890",
"gender": "Male",
"countryCode": "91",
"status": "Scheduled",
"scheduledDate": "2024-04-15",
"scheduledTime": "14:30:00",
"leadRefNo": "996662",
"email": "",
"referralName": "Dr. Anjali",
"referralType": "Referral doctor",
"patientNumber": "ABC-1234",
"caseNumber": "BH-551",
"consultantDoctorId": 123,
"agentId": 10010101,
"referralId": 10010102
Event data attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
branchCode |
string | Branch code. |
id |
integer | Unique identifier for the appoinment record from ARTisIVF. |
mode |
string | Appointment mode. |
firstName |
string | Patient's first name. |
lastName |
string | Patient's last name. |
mobile |
string | Mobile phone number of the patient. |
gender |
string | Gender of the patient. Possible values are Male and Female |
countryCode |
string | Country code of the patient's phone number. |
status |
string | Appointment status. Possible values are Scheduled , Cancelled , Modified , Rescheduled , Reported , In Progress , Completed |
scheduledDate |
string | Appointment date in YYYY-MM-DD format. |
scheduledTime |
string | Appointment time in HH:MM:SS format. |
leadRefNo |
string | Lead reference number if available. |
email |
string | Email address of the patient, if available. |
referralName |
string | Name of the person that referred the patient. |
referralType |
string | Referral type. |
patientNumber |
string | patient unique number if patient already exists in the system. |
caseNumber |
string | A unique identifier for the specific case for existing patient. |
consultantDoctorId |
integer | Consultant doctor id if present. |
agentId |
integer | Agent id if present. |
referralId |
integer | Referral id if present. |
Occurs when appointment is updated/rescheduled/cancelled in ARTis.
event payload:
"event": "appointment.updated",
"version": "1",
"eventId": "f8ca8ea0-0840-11ef-8211-0242ac120003",
"data": {
"branchCode": "Hyd-1",
"id": 10000002,
"mode": "Walk-In",
"firstName": "Rama",
"lastName": "Krishna",
"mobile": "1234567890",
"gender": "Male",
"countryCode": "91",
"status": "Rescheduled",
"scheduledTime": "2024-04-17",
"leadRefNo": "996662",
"email": "",
"referralName": "Dr. Anjali",
"referralType": "Referral doctor",
"patientNumber": "ABC-1234",
"caseNumber": "BH-551",
"consultantDoctorId": 123,
"agentId": 10010101,
"referralId": 10010102
Event data attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
branchCode |
string | Branch code. |
id |
integer | Unique identifier for the appoinment record from ARTisIVF. |
mode |
string | Appointment mode. |
firstName |
string | Patient's first name. |
lastName |
string | Patient's last name. |
mobile |
string | Mobile phone number of the patient. |
gender |
string | Gender of the patient. Possible values are Male and Female |
countryCode |
string | Country code of the patient's phone number. |
status |
string | Appointment status. Possible values are Scheduled , Cancelled , Modified , Rescheduled , Reported , In Progress , Completed |
scheduledDate |
string | Appointment date in YYYY-MM-DD format. |
scheduledTime |
string | Appointment time in HH:MM:SS format. |
leadRefNo |
string | Lead reference number if available. |
cancelReason |
string | Cancel reason if cancelld. |
email |
string | Email address of the patient, if available. |
referralName |
string | Name of the person that referred the patient. |
referralType |
string | Referral type. |
patientNumber |
string | patient unique number if patient already exists in the system. |
caseNumber |
string | A unique identifier for the specific case for existing patient. |
consultantDoctorId |
integer | Consultant doctor id if present. |
agentId |
integer | Agent id if present. |
referralId |
integer | Referral id if present. |
Billing Module Events
Below is the list of bill events that will be triggered whenever a bill is created or updated.
Occurs when bill is created in ARTis.
"event": "bill.created",
"version": "1",
"eventId": "f8ca8ea0-0840-11ef-8211-0242ac120003",
"data": {
"branchCode": "Hyd-1",
"id": 10000030,
"patientNumber": "ABC-1234",
"billDate": "2023-12-14",
"billNumber": "ABC-1-S-000043",
"billStatus": "Paid",
"description": "Services"
Event data attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
branchCode |
string | Branch code. |
id |
integer | Unique identifier for the bill record from ARTisIVF. |
patientNumber |
string | Patient number associated with the bill. |
billDate |
string | Billing date in YYYY-MM-DD format. |
billNumber |
string | Bill number associated with the bill |
billStatus |
string | Status of the bill. Possible values are Pending ,Partially Paid ,Paid ,Archived |
description |
string | Bill description if available. |
Occurs when bill is updated in ARTis.
"event": "bill.updated",
"version": "1",
"eventId": "f8ca8ea0-0840-11ef-8211-0242ac120003",
"data": {
"branchCode": "Hyd-1",
"id": 10000030,
"patientNumber": "ABC-1234",
"billDate": "2023-12-14",
"billNumber": "ABC-1-S-000043",
"billStatus": "Paid",
"description": "Services"
Event data attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
branchCode |
string | Branch code. |
id |
integer | Unique identifier for the bill record from ARTisIVF. |
patientNumber |
string | Patient number associated with the bill. |
billDate |
string | Billing date in YYYY-MM-DD format. |
billNumber |
string | Bill number associated with the bill |
billStatus |
string | Status of the bill. Possible values are Pending ,Partially Paid ,Paid ,Archived |
description |
string | Bill description if available. |
Occurs when bill refund request is raised in ARTis.
"event": "bill.refund-request.created",
"version": "1",
"eventId": "f8ca8ea0-0840-11ef-8211-0242ac120003",
"data": {
"branchCode": "Hyd-1",
"id": 10000030,
"billNumber": "ABC-1-S-000043",
"refundDate": "2023-12-16",
"patientNumber": "ABC-1234",
"amount": 10000,
"refundId": "Hyd-1-10000030",
"comments": ""
Event data attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
branchCode |
string | Branch code. |
id |
integer | Unique identifier for the bill record from ARTisIVF. |
billNumber |
string | Combination of branch and bill number associated with the bill |
refundDate |
string | Refund date in YYYY-MM-DD format. |
patientNumber |
string | Patient number associated with the bill. |
amount |
decimal | Total Due amount |
refundId |
string | Combination of branch and ID of bill |
comments |
string | Bill comments if available. |
Below is the list of bill events that will be triggered whenever a avance is created or updated.
Occurs when advance is created in ARTis.
"event": "advance.created",
"version": "1",
"eventId": "f8ca8ea0-0840-11ef-8211-0242ac120003",
"data": {
"branchCode": "Hyd-1",
"id": 10000030,
"patientNumber": "ABC-1234",
"amount": 123456.12,
"paymentDate": "2024-10-23",
"paymentId": "Hyd1-123",
"billNumber": "Hyd1-P-0012345",
"modeOfPayment": "Cash",
"comments": "Deduction"
Event data attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
branchCode |
string | Branch code. |
id |
integer | Unique identifier for the advance record from ARTisIVF. |
patientNumber |
string | Patient number associated with the advance. |
amount |
decimal | Cumulative amount for the advance. |
paymentDate |
string | Payment date in YYYY-MM-DD format. |
paymentId |
string | Combination of id and branch code |
billNumber |
string | Bill number associated with the advance |
modeOfPayment |
string | Mode of Payment |
bankCode |
string | bank code if availabe. |
comments |
string | Advance comments if any. |
Occurs when advance request status changed in ARTis.
"event": "advance.settlement.status.changed",
"version": "1",
"eventId": "f8ca8ea0-0840-11ef-8211-0242ac120003",
"data": {
"branchCode": "Hyd-1",
"id": 10000030,
"patientNumber": "ABC-1234",
"amount": 123456.12,
"settlementDate": "2024-02-15",
"advanceId": "Hyd1-123",
"comments": "Transfer"
Event data attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
branchCode |
string | Branch code. |
id |
integer | Unique identifier for the advance record from ARTisIVF. |
patientNumber |
string | Patient number associated with the advance. |
amount |
decimal | Cumulative amount for the advance. |
advanceId |
string | Combination of id and branch code. |
comments |
string | Settlement comments if any. |
Below is the list of payment events that will be triggered whenever a payment is created or updated.
Occurs when payment is created in ARTis.
"event": "payment.created",
"version": "1",
"eventId": "f8ca8ea0-0840-11ef-8211-0242ac120003",
"data": {
"branchCode": "Hyd-1",
"id": 10000030,
"paymentDate": "2024-10-23",
"billNumber": "Hyd1-P-0012345",
"paymentId": "Hyd1-123",
"advanceId": "Hyd1-123",
"modeOfPayment": "Cash",
"amount": 123456.12,
"bankCode": "",
"relatedBillNo": "",
"comments": "Deduction"
Event Data Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
branchCode |
string | Branch code. |
id |
integer | Unique identifier for the payment record from ARTis. |
paymentDate |
string | Payment date in YYYY-MM-DD format. |
billNumber |
string | Bill number associated with the payment. |
paymentId |
string | Combination of ID and branch code. |
advanceId |
string | Combination of ID for the advance related to the payment and branch code. |
modeOfPayment |
string | Mode of payment. |
amount |
decimal | Total amount of the payment. |
bankCode |
string | Bank code, if available. |
relatedBillNo |
string | Related bill number, if any. |
comments |
string | comments, if any. |
Below is the list of Discount events that will be triggered whenever a Discount is created for a bill.
Occurs when a discount is created for a bill/bill item in ARTis.
"event": "discount.created",
"version": "1",
"eventId": "f8ca8ea0-0840-11ef-8211-0242ac120003",
"data": {
"branchCode": "Hyd-1",
"id": 10000030,
"discountDate": "2024-03-26",
"billNumber": "Hyd-1-S-000010",
"billLineItemId": "Hyd-1-123456789",
"discountId": "Hyd-1-4567890",
"discountReasonCode": "DISC-1019",
"discountLevel": "Bill Item",
"amount": 10000.0,
"comments": "Package inclusion discount added by system"
Event data attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
branchCode |
string | Branch code. |
id |
integer | Unique identifier for the discount record from ARTisIVF. |
discountDate |
string | Discount given date in YYYY-MM-DD format. |
billNumber |
string | Bill number that is associated with the discount. |
billLineItemId |
string | Bill line item ID that is associated with the discount. |
discountId |
string | Formatted discount ID with branch and ID. |
discountReasonCode |
string | Discount reason code. |
discountLevel |
string | Indicates whether the discount belongs to the bill or a bill item. Possible values are Bill , Bill Item . |
amount |
string | Discount amount. |
comments |
string | Notes if available. |
Below is the list of Discount Reason events that will be triggered whenever a Discount Reason is created or updated.
Occurs when a discount reason is created in ARTis.
"event": "discount-reason.created",
"version": "1",
"eventId": "f8ca8ea0-0840-11ef-8211-0242ac120003",
"data": {
"branchCode": "Hyd-1",
"id": 10000030,
"discountCode": "DISC-1012456",
"discountDescription": "IVF Discount - External Consultant",
"active": true
Event data attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
branchCode |
string | Branch code. |
id |
integer | Unique identifier for the discount reason record from ARTisIVF. |
discountCode |
string | Discount code. |
discountDescription |
string | Name of the discount. |
active |
boolean | true if active. |
Occurs when a discount reason is updated in ARTis.
"event": "discount-reason.updated",
"version": "1",
"eventId": "f8ca8ea0-0840-11ef-8211-0242ac120003",
"data": {
"branchCode": "Hyd-1",
"id": 10000030,
"discountCode": "DISC-1012456",
"discountDescription": "IVF Discount - External Consultant",
"active": true
Event data attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
branchCode |
string | Branch code. |
id |
integer | Unique identifier for the discount reason record from ARTisIVF. |
discountCode |
string | Discount code. |
discountDescription |
string | Name of the discount. |
active |
boolean | true if active. |
Cycle Module Events
Below is the list of Cycle events that will be triggered whenever a cycle is created or updated or allocated to a patient.
Occurs when master cycle is created in ARTis.
"event": "cycle.created",
"version": "1",
"eventId": "f8ca8ea0-0840-11ef-8211-0242ac120003",
"data": {
"branchCode": "Hyd-1",
"id": 10000030,
"serviceCode": "IVF-FET-02",
"serviceName": "IVF + FET + Meds - No GH",
"serviceClassification": "SCLS-122",
"cost": 100,
"mrp": 10.5,
"active": true
Event data attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
branchCode |
string | Branch code. |
id |
integer | Unique identifier for the cycle record from ARTisIVF. |
serviceCode |
string | Service code. |
serviceName |
string | Name of the service. |
serviceClassification |
string | Service classification code |
cost |
decimal | Cost of the service. |
mrp |
decimal | MRP of the service. |
active |
boolean | true if active. |
Occurs when maste cycle is updated in ARTis.
"event": "cycle.updated",
"version": "1",
"eventId": "f8ca8ea0-0840-11ef-8211-0242ac120003",
"data": {
"branchCode": "Hyd-1",
"id": 10000030,
"serviceCode": "IVF-FET-02",
"serviceName": "IVF + FET + Meds - No GH",
"serviceClassification": "SCLS-122",
"cost": 100,
"mrp": 10.5,
"active": true
Event data attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
branchCode |
string | Branch code. |
id |
integer | Unique identifier for the cycle record from ARTisIVF. |
serviceCode |
string | Service code. |
serviceName |
string | Name of the service. |
serviceClassification |
string | Service classification code |
cost |
decimal | Cost of the service. |
mrp |
decimal | MRP of the service. |
active |
boolean | true if active. |
Occurs when cycle allocated to patient in ARTis.
"event": "cycle.allocated",
"version": "1",
"eventId": "f8ca8ea0-0840-11ef-8211-0242ac120003",
"data": {
"branchCode": "Hyd-1",
"id": 10000030,
"patientNumber": "BH-1234",
"caseNumber": "BH-551",
"scheduledDate": "2025-05-29",
"cycleName": "IVF",
"cycleStatus": "Ongoing",
"paymentStatus": "Pending",
"consultantDoctor": "Dr. Rajesh Ranjan"
Event Data Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
branchCode |
string | Branch code. |
id |
integer | Unique identifier for the cycle allocation record from ARTis. |
patientNumber |
string | Patient number to whom the cycle is allocated. |
caseNumber |
string | Case number associated with the cycle. |
scheduledDate |
string | Scheduled date for the cycle in YYYY-MM-DD format. |
cycleName |
string | Name of the cycle. |
cycleStatus |
string | Status of cycle. Possible values are Ongoing ,Completed ,Cancelled . |
paymentStatus |
string | Payment status for the cycle. Possible values are Pending ,Completed ,Pending . |
consultantDoctor |
string | Name of the consultant doctor responsible for the cycle. |
Occurs when cycle is completed for a patient in ARTis.
"event": "cycle.completed",
"version": "1",
"eventId": "f8ca8ea0-0840-11ef-8211-0242ac120003",
"data": {
"branchCode": "Hyd-1",
"id": 10000030,
"patientNumber": "BH-1234",
"caseNumber": "BH-551",
"cycleName": "IVF",
"cycleStatus": "Completed",
"paymentStatus": "Completed",
"reportLink": "link details"
Event Data Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
branchCode |
string | Branch code. |
id |
integer | Unique identifier for the cycle allocation record from ARTis. |
patientNumber |
string | Patient number to whom the cycle is allocated. |
caseNumber |
string | Case number associated with the cycle. |
cycleName |
string | Name of the cycle. |
cycleStatus |
string | Status of cycle. Possible values are Ongoing ,Completed ,Cancelled . |
paymentStatus |
string | Payment status for the cycle. Possible values are Pending ,Completed ,Pending . |
reportLink |
string | Link to the report for the patient where stage is completed, if available. |
Occurs when cycle is cancelled for a patient in ARTis.
"event": "cycle.cancelled",
"version": "1",
"eventId": "f8ca8ea0-0840-11ef-8211-0242ac120003",
"data": {
"branchCode": "Hyd-1",
"id": 10000030,
"patientNumber": "BH-1234",
"caseNumber": "BH-551",
"cycleName": "IVF",
"cancellationDate": "2023-12-27",
"cancellationStage": "ET"
Event Data Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
branchCode |
string | Branch code. |
id |
integer | Unique identifier for the cycle allocation record from ARTis. |
patientNumber |
string | Patient number to whom the cycle is allocated. |
caseNumber |
string | Case number associated with the cycle. |
cycleName |
string | Name of the cycle. |
cancellationStage |
string | Stage at which the cancellation happened. Possible values are Stimulation /OPU /ET /Embryo Culture /FET . |
cancellationDate |
string | Cancellation date in YYYY-MM-DD format. |
Occurs when stage started to cycle in ARTis.
"event": "cycle.stage.started",
"version": "1",
"eventId": "f8ca8ea0-0840-11ef-8211-0242ac120003",
"data": {
"branchCode": "Hyd-1",
"id": 10000030,
"patientNumber": "BH-1234",
"cycleAllocationId": 123234,
"caseNumber": "BH-551",
"cycleName": "IVF",
"stageDate": "2025-05-29",
"cycleStageName": "Stimulation",
"stageStatus": "Ongoing",
"reportLink": ""
Event Data Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
branchCode |
string | Branch code. |
id |
integer | Unique identifier for the cycle allocation stage record from ARTis. |
patientNumber |
string | Patient number to whom the cycle is allocated. |
caseNumber |
string | Case number associated with the cycle. |
cycleAllocationId |
integer | Cycle allocation ID. |
cycleName |
string | Name of the cycle. Ex: IVF |
cycleStageName |
string | Name of the cycle. Ex: Stimulation, OPU, Embryo Culture, ET, FET, Outcome |
stageDate |
string | State date for the cycle in YYYY-MM-DD format. |
stageStatus |
string | Payment status for the cycle. Possible values are Ongoing ,Completed ,Cancelled . |
reportLink |
string | Link to the report for the patient, if available. |
Occurs when cycle stage is completed in ARTis.
"event": "cycle.stage.completed",
"version": "1",
"eventId": "f8ca8ea0-0840-11ef-8211-0242ac120003",
"data": {
"branchCode": "Hyd-1",
"id": 10000030,
"patientNumber": "BH-1234",
"cycleAllocationId": 123234,
"caseNumber": "BH-551",
"cycleName": "IVF",
"cycleStageName": "Stimulation",
"stageStatus": "Completed",
"reportLink": "report link"
Event Data Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
branchCode |
string | Branch code. |
id |
integer | Unique identifier for the cycle allocation stage record from ARTis. |
patientNumber |
string | Patient number to whom the cycle is allocated. |
caseNumber |
string | Case number associated with the cycle. |
cycleAllocationId |
integer | Cycle allocation ID. |
cycleName |
string | Name of the cycle. Ex: IVF |
cycleStageName |
string | Name of the cycle. Ex: Stimulation, OPU, Embryo Culture, ET, FET, Outcome |
stageStatus |
string | Payment status for the cycle. Possible values are Pending ,Completed ,Pending . |
reportLink |
string | Link to the report for the patient, if available. |
Occurs when allocated cycle outcome stage is updated in ARTis.
"event": "cycle.outcome",
"version": "1",
"eventId": "f8ca8ea0-0840-11ef-8211-0242ac120003",
"data": {
"branchCode": "Hyd-1",
"id": 10000030,
"patientNumber": "BH-1234",
"caseNumber": "BH-551",
"cycleName": "IVF",
"outcomeDate": "2025-05-29",
"pregnancyTest": "Positive",
"clinicalPregnancy": "Yes",
"cycleCompletionDate": "2025-05-29"
Event Data Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
branchCode |
string | Branch code. |
id |
integer | Unique identifier for the cycle allocation record from ARTis. |
patientNumber |
string | Patient number to whom the cycle is allocated. |
caseNumber |
string | Case number associated with the cycle. |
cycleName |
string | Name of the cycle. |
outcomeDate |
string | Outcome date in YYYY-MM-DD format. |
pregnancyTest |
string | Pregnancy test result from the report. |
clinicalPregnancy |
string | Clinical Pregnancy test result from the report. |
cycleCompletionDate |
string | Cycle completion date in YYYY-MM-DD format. |
Pharmacy Module Events
Below is the list of Pharmacy Drug Location events that will be triggered whenever a pharmacy drug location is created or updated. |
Occurs when pharmacy drug location is created in ARTis.
"event": "pharmacy-drug-location.created",
"version": "1",
"eventId": "f8ca8ea0-0840-11ef-8211-0242ac120003",
"data": {
"branchCode": "Hyd-1",
"id": 10000030,
"name": "IVF Pharmacy",
"code": "PDLOC-1004",
"active": true
Event data attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
branchCode |
string | Branch code. |
id |
integer | Unique identifier for the pharmacy drug location record from ARTisIVF. |
name |
string | Name of the drug location. |
code |
string | Pharmacy drug location code. |
active |
boolean | true if active |
Occurs when pharmacy drug location is updated in ARTis.
"event": "pharmacy-drug-location.updated",
"version": "1",
"eventId": "f8ca8ea0-0840-11ef-8211-0242ac120003",
"data": {
"branchCode": "Hyd-1",
"id": 10000030,
"name": "IVF Pharmacy",
"code": "PDLOC-1004",
"active": true
Event data attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
branchCode |
string | Branch code. |
id |
integer | Unique identifier for the pharmacy drug location record from ARTisIVF. |
name |
string | Name of the drug location. |
code |
string | Pharmacy drug location code. |
active |
boolean | true if active |
Below is the list of invoice events that will be triggered whenever an invoice is created or updated.
Occurs when an invoice is created in ARTis.
"event": "invoice.created",
"version": "1",
"eventId": "f8ca8ea0-0840-11ef-8211-0242ac120003",
"data": {
"branchCode": "Hyd-1",
"id": 10000030,
"invoiceDate": "2023-12-23",
"invoiceNumber": "MPX008870579",
"purchaseOrderNumber": "OF/TLCK/PO/11-2022/0012",
"vendorCode": "DV-1171",
"amount": 5419.5,
"discountPercent": 2.5,
"taxCollectionAmount": 0,
"freightCost": 0.0,
"approvedDate": "2024-03-14"
Event Data Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
branchCode |
string | Branch code. |
id |
integer | Unique identifier for the invoice record from ARTis. |
invoiceDate |
string | Invoice date in YYYY-MM-DD format. |
invoiceNumber |
string | Invoice number. |
purchaseOrderNumber |
string | Purchase order number associated with the invoice. |
vendorCode |
string | Vendor code. |
amount |
decimal | Total amount of the invoice. |
discountPercent |
decimal | Discount percentage applied to the invoice. |
taxCollectionAmount |
decimal | Tax collection amount. |
freightCost |
decimal | Freight cost. |
approvedDate |
string | Date the invoice was approved in YYYY-MM-DD format. |
Occurs when an invoice is updated in ARTis.
"event": "invoice.updated",
"version": "1",
"eventId": "f8ca8ea0-0840-11ef-8211-0242ac120003",
"data": {
"branchCode": "Hyd-1",
"id": 10000030,
"invoiceDate": "2023-12-23",
"invoiceNumber": "MPX008870579",
"purchaseOrderNumber": "OF/TLCK/PO/11-2022/0012",
"vendorCode": "DV-1171",
"amount": 5419.5,
"discountPercent": 2.5,
"taxCollectionAmount": 0,
"freightCost": 0.0,
"approvedDate": "2024-03-14"
Event Data Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
branchCode |
string | Branch code. |
id |
integer | Unique identifier for the invoice record from ARTis. |
invoiceDate |
string | Invoice date in YYYY-MM-DD format. |
invoiceNumber |
string | Invoice number. |
purchaseOrderNumber |
string | Purchase order number associated with the invoice. |
vendorCode |
string | Vendor code. |
amount |
decimal | Total amount of the invoice. |
discountPercent |
decimal | Discount percentage applied to the invoice. |
taxCollectionAmount |
decimal | Tax collection amount. |
freightCost |
decimal | Freight cost. |
approvedDate |
string | Date the invoice was approved in YYYY-MM-DD format. |
Below is the list of consumption events that will be triggered whenever a consumption is created.
Occurs when consumption is created in ARTis.
"event": "inventory.consumption.created",
"version": "1",
"eventId": "f8ca8ea0-0840-11ef-8211-0242ac120003",
"data": {
"branchCode": "Hyd-1",
"id": 10000030,
"usageDate": "2023-12-14",
"pharmacyDrugCode": "PD-11000124",
"drugLocationCode": "PDLOR-1007",
"quantity": 100,
"cost": 10.5,
"mrp": 20.2,
"tax": 2.5,
"unitOfMeasureCode": "Tablet"
Event data attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
branchCode |
string | Branch code. |
id |
integer | Unique identifier for the consumption record from ARTisIVF. |
usageDate |
string | Created date in YYYY-MM-DD format. |
pharmacyDrugCode |
string | Pharamacy drug code. |
drugLocationCode |
string | Drug location code |
quantity |
integer | Quantity of the drug. |
cost |
decimal | Cost of the drug. |
mrp |
decimal | MRP of the drug. |
tax |
decimal | Tax amount. |
unitOfMeasureCode |
string | Unit of measure code. |
Below is the list of Pharmacy Stock Return events that will be triggered whenever a Pharmacy Stock Return is created.
Occurs when a pharmacy stock return record is created in ARTis.
"event": "pharmacy-stock-return.created",
"version": "1",
"eventId": "f8ca8ea0-0840-11ef-8211-0242ac120003",
"data": {
"branchCode": "Hyd-1",
"id": 10000030,
"drugVendorCode": "DV-1239",
"vendorShipmentNo": "Hyd-1-10000030",
"invoiceNumber": "TS/1296/22-23",
"returnDate": "2023-12-28",
"drugLocationCode": "PDLOC-1004",
"pharmacyDrugCode": "PDLOC-1004",
"quantity": 10,
"unitCost": 1000.5,
"unitMrp": 5000.5,
"tax": 5.4
Event Data Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
branchCode |
string | Branch code. |
id |
integer | Unique identifier for the pharmacy stock return record from ARTis. |
drugVendorCode |
string | Code of the drug vendor. |
vendorShipmentNo |
string | Vendor shipment number. Combination of branch code and ID. |
invoiceNumber |
string | Invoice number associated with the return. |
returnDate |
string | Date of the return in YYYY-MM-DD format. |
drugLocationCode |
string | Location code of the drug. |
pharmacyDrugCode |
string | Code of the drug being returned. |
quantity |
integer | Quantity of the drug being returned. |
unitCost |
decimal | Unit cost of the drug. |
unitMrp |
decimal | Unit maximum retail price of the drug. |
tax |
decimal | Tax applied to the drug. |
Below is the list of Stock Adjustment events that will be triggered whenever a Stock Adjustment is created.
Occurs when a stock adjustment record is created in ARTis.
"event": "stock-adjustment.created",
"version": "1",
"eventId": "f8ca8ea0-0840-11ef-8211-0242ac120003",
"data": {
"branchCode": "Hyd-1",
"id": 10000030,
"tableRefId": 10000030,
"transactionType": "Stock Adjustment",
"adjustmentDate": "2023-10-23",
"pharmacyDrugCode": "PD-51000003",
"drugLocationCode": "PDLOC-1004",
"quantity": 10,
"cost": 1000.5,
"mrp": 5000.5,
"tax": 5.4,
"unitOfMeasureCode": "EACH"
Event Data Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
branchCode |
string | Branch code. |
id |
integer | Unique identifier for the stock adjustment record from ARTis. |
tableRefId |
integer | Same as ID. |
transactionType |
string | Type of transaction (e.g., "Stock Adjustment"). |
adjustmentDate |
string | Date of the stock adjustment in YYYY-MM-DD format. |
pharmacyDrugCode |
string | Code of the drug being adjusted. |
drugLocationCode |
string | Location code of the drug. |
quantity |
integer | Quantity of the drug being adjusted. |
cost |
decimal | Cost of the drug. |
mrp |
decimal | Maximum retail price of the drug. |
tax |
decimal | Tax applied to the drug. |
unitOfMeasureCode |
string | Unit of measure code for the drug. |
Service Module Events
Below is the list of Service Classification events that will be triggered whenever a Service Classification is created or updated.
Occurs when a service classification record is created in ARTis.
"event": "service-classification.created",
"version": "1",
"eventId": "f8ca8ea0-0840-11ef-8211-0242ac120003",
"data": {
"branchCode": "Hyd-1",
"id": 10000030,
"code": "SCLS-101",
"name": "Consultations",
"serviceType": "Service",
"active": true
Event Data Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
branchCode |
string | Branch code. |
id |
integer | Unique identifier for the service classification record from ARTis. |
code |
string | Code for the service classification. |
name |
string | Name of the service classification. |
serviceType |
string | Type of service classified. |
active |
boolean | Status indicating if the service classification is active. |
Below is the list of Investigation events that will be triggered whenever a Investigation is created/updated or allocated.
Occurs when a investigation is created in ARTis.
"event": "investigation.created",
"version": "1",
"eventId": "f8ca8ea0-0840-11ef-8211-0242ac120003",
"data": {
"branchCode": "Hyd-1",
"id": 10000030,
"serviceCode": "INV-1029-3",
"serviceName": "INV-1029-3",
"serviceClassification": "SCLS-124",
"cost": 0,
"mrp": 0,
"active": true
Event data attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
branchCode |
string | Branch code. |
id |
integer | Unique identifier for the investigation record from ARTisIVF. |
serviceCode |
string | Service code of the investigation. |
serviceName |
string | Investigation service name. |
serviceClassification |
string | Service classification code. |
cost |
decimal | Investigation cost value. |
mrp |
decimal | Investigation mrp value. |
active |
boolean | true if active. |
Occurs when a investigation is updated in ARTis.
"event": "investigation.updated",
"version": "1",
"eventId": "f8ca8ea0-0840-11ef-8211-0242ac120003",
"data": {
"branchCode": "Hyd-1",
"id": 10000030,
"serviceCode": "INV-1029-3",
"serviceName": "INV-1029-3",
"serviceClassification": "SCLS-124",
"cost": 0,
"mrp": 0,
"active": true
Event data attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
branchCode |
string | Branch code. |
id |
integer | Unique identifier for the investigation record from ARTisIVF. |
serviceCode |
string | Service code of the investigation. |
serviceName |
string | Investigation service name. |
serviceClassification |
string | Service classification code. |
cost |
decimal | Investigation cost value. |
mrp |
decimal | Investigation mrp value. |
active |
boolean | true if active. |
Occurs when an investigation is allocated to a patient in ARTis.
"event": "investigation.allocated",
"version": "1",
"eventId": "f8ca8ea0-0840-11ef-8211-0242ac120003",
"data": {
"branchCode": "Hyd-1",
"id": 10000030,
"patientNumber": "BH-1234",
"caseNumber": "BH-551",
"scheduledDate": "2025-05-29",
"investigationName": "IVF",
"paymentStatus": "Pending",
"reportStatus": "Pending",
"consultantDoctor": "Dr. Rajesh Ranjan",
"reportLink": ""
Event Data Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
branchCode |
string | Branch code. |
id |
integer | Unique identifier for the investigation allocation record from ARTis. |
patientNumber |
string | Patient number to whom the investigation is allocated. |
caseNumber |
string | Case number associated with the investigation. |
scheduledDate |
string | Scheduled date for the investigation in YYYY-MM-DD format. |
investigationName |
string | Name of the investigation. |
paymentStatus |
string | Payment status for the investigation. Possible values are Pending ,Completed ,Pending . |
reportStatus |
string | Report status for the investigation. Completed ,Pending . |
consultantDoctor |
string | Name of the consultant doctor responsible for the investigation. |
reportLink |
string | Link to the investigation report, if available. |
Occurs when an allocated investigation report details updateds updatde in ARTis.
"event": "investigation.reported",
"version": "1",
"eventId": "f8ca8ea0-0840-11ef-8211-0242ac120003",
"data": {
"branchCode": "Hyd-1",
"id": 10000030,
"patientNumber": "BH-1234",
"caseNumber": "BH-551",
"investigationName": "IVF",
"paymentStatus": "Completed",
"reportStatus": "Completde",
"reportLink": "link details"
Event Data Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
branchCode |
string | Branch code. |
id |
integer | Unique identifier for the investigation allocation record from ARTis. |
patientNumber |
string | Patient number to whom the investigation is allocated. |
caseNumber |
string | Case number associated with the investigation. |
investigationName |
string | Name of the investigation. |
paymentStatus |
string | Payment status for the investigation. Possible values are Pending ,Completed ,Pending . |
reportStatus |
string | Report status for the investigation. Completed ,Pending . |
reportLink |
string | Link to the investigation report, if available. |
Below is the list of Package events that will be triggered whenever a Package is created or updated.
Occurs when a package is created in ARTis.
"event": "package.created",
"version": "1",
"eventId": "f8ca8ea0-0840-11ef-8211-0242ac120003",
"data": {
"branchCode": "Hyd-1",
"id": 10000030,
"serviceCode": "PCKG-1003",
"serviceName": "ViralMarkers",
"serviceClassification": "SCLS-124",
"cost": 0,
"mrp": 0,
"active": true
Event data attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
branchCode |
string | Branch code. |
id |
integer | Unique identifier for the package record from ARTisIVF. |
serviceCode |
string | Package code. |
serviceName |
string | Package name. |
serviceClassification |
string | Service classification code. |
cost |
decimal | Package cost value. |
mrp |
decimal | Package mrp value. |
active |
boolean | true if active. |
Occurs when a package is updated in ARTis.
"event": "package.updated",
"version": "1",
"eventId": "f8ca8ea0-0840-11ef-8211-0242ac120003",
"data": {
"branchCode": "Hyd-1",
"id": 10000030,
"serviceCode": "PCKG-1003",
"serviceName": "ViralMarkers",
"serviceClassification": "SCLS-124",
"cost": 0,
"mrp": 0,
"active": true
Event data attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
branchCode |
string | Branch code. |
id |
integer | Unique identifier for the package record from ARTisIVF. |
serviceCode |
string | Package code. |
serviceName |
string | Package name. |
serviceClassification |
string | Service classification code. |
cost |
decimal | Package cost value. |
mrp |
decimal | Package mrp value. |
active |
boolean | true if active. |
Below is the list of Procedure events that will be triggered whenever a Procedure is created or updated.
Occurs when a procedure is created in ARTis.
"event": "procedure.created",
"version": "1",
"eventId": "f8ca8ea0-0840-11ef-8211-0242ac120003",
"data": {
"branchCode": "Hyd-1",
"id": 10000030,
"serviceCode": "PROC-H30",
"serviceName": "H30 - Hysteroscopy Procedure",
"serviceClassification": "SCLS-124",
"cost": 0,
"mrp": 0,
"active": true
Event data attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
branchCode |
string | Branch code. |
id |
integer | Unique identifier for the procedure record from ARTisIVF. |
serviceCode |
string | Procedure code. |
serviceName |
string | Procedure name. |
serviceClassification |
string | Service classification code. |
cost |
decimal | Procedure cost value. |
mrp |
decimal | Procedure mrp value. |
active |
boolean | true if active. |
Occurs when a procedure is updated in ARTis.
"event": "procedure.updated",
"version": "1",
"eventId": "f8ca8ea0-0840-11ef-8211-0242ac120003",
"data": {
"branchCode": "Hyd-1",
"id": 10000030,
"serviceCode": "PROC-H30",
"serviceName": "H30 - Hysteroscopy Procedure",
"serviceClassification": "SCLS-124",
"cost": 0,
"mrp": 0,
"active": true
Event data attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
branchCode |
string | Branch code. |
id |
integer | Unique identifier for the procedure record from ARTisIVF. |
serviceCode |
string | Procedure code. |
serviceName |
string | Procedure name. |
serviceClassification |
string | Service classification code. |
cost |
decimal | Procedure cost value. |
mrp |
decimal | Procedure mrp value. |
active |
boolean | true if active. |
Occurs when an procedure is allocated to a patient in ARTis.
"event": "procedure.allocated",
"version": "1",
"eventId": "99345071-b5f7-11ef-b1f4-0242ac120004",
"data": {
"branchCode": "HYD",
"id": 51000124,
"patientNumber": "HYD-135",
"caseNumer": "HYD-17",
"scheduledDate": "2024-12-09",
"procedureName": "TESA - Testicular Biopsy",
"paymentStatus": "Paid",
"status": "Pending",
"consultantDoctor": "Dr. Rajesh Ranjan"
Event Data Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
branchCode |
string | Branch code. |
id |
integer | Unique identifier for the procedure allocation record from ARTis. |
patientNumber |
string | Patient number to whom the procedure is allocated. |
caseNumber |
string | Case number associated with the procedure. |
scheduledDate |
string | Scheduled date for the procedure in YYYY-MM-DD format. |
procedureName |
string | Name of the Procedure. |
paymentStatus |
string | Payment status for the procedure. Possible values are Pending ,Completed ,Pending . |
status |
string | Status for the procedure allocation. Pending . |
consultantDoctor |
string | Name of the consultant doctor responsible for the procedure. |
Occurs when an procedure is canceleld to a patient in ARTis.
"event": "procedure.cancelled",
"version": "1",
"eventId": "99345071-b5f7-11ef-b1f4-0242ac120004",
"data": {
"branchCode": "HYD",
"id": 51000124,
"patientNumber": "HYD-135",
"caseNumer": "HYD-17",
"scheduledDate": "2024-12-09",
"procedureName": "TESA - Testicular Biopsy",
"paymentStatus": "Paid",
"status": "Cancelled",
"consultantDoctor": "Dr. Rajesh Ranjan"
Event Data Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
branchCode |
string | Branch code. |
id |
integer | Unique identifier for the procedure allocation record from ARTis. |
patientNumber |
string | Patient number to whom the procedure is allocated. |
caseNumber |
string | Case number associated with the procedure. |
scheduledDate |
string | Scheduled date for the procedure in YYYY-MM-DD format. |
procedureName |
string | Name of the Procedure. |
paymentStatus |
string | Payment status for the procedure. Possible values are Pending ,Completed ,Pending . |
status |
string | Status for the procedure allocation. Cancelled . |
consultantDoctor |
string | Name of the consultant doctor responsible for the procedure. |
Below is the list of Cryo Preservation events that will be triggered whenever a cryo preservation is created or updated.
Occurs when cryo preservation is created in ARTis.
"event": "cryo-preservation.created",
"version": "1",
"eventId": "f8ca8ea0-0840-11ef-8211-0242ac120003",
"data": {
"branchCode": "Hyd-1",
"id": 10000030,
"serviceCode": "ECRYO-100134",
"serviceName": "Embryo Freezing - 9 Embryos for 6 Months",
"serviceClassification": "SCLS-122",
"cost": 100,
"mrp": 10.5,
"active": true
Event data attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
branchCode |
string | Branch code. |
id |
integer | Unique identifier for the cryo preservation record from ARTisIVF. |
serviceCode |
string | Service code. |
serviceName |
string | Name of the service. |
serviceClassification |
string | Service classification code |
cost |
decimal | Cost of the service. |
mrp |
decimal | MRP of the service. |
active |
boolean | true if active. |
Occurs when cryo preservation is updated in ARTis.
"event": "cryo-preservation.updated",
"version": "1",
"eventId": "f8ca8ea0-0840-11ef-8211-0242ac120003",
"data": {
"branchCode": "Hyd-1",
"id": 10000030,
"serviceCode": "ECRYO-100134",
"serviceName": "Embryo Freezing - 9 Embryos for 6 Months",
"serviceClassification": "SCLS-122",
"cost": 100,
"mrp": 10.5,
"active": true
Event data attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
branchCode |
string | Branch code. |
id |
integer | Unique identifier for the cryo preservation record from ARTisIVF. |
serviceCode |
string | Service code. |
serviceName |
string | Name of the service. |
serviceClassification |
string | Service classification code |
cost |
decimal | Cost of the service. |
mrp |
decimal | MRP of the service. |
active |
boolean | true if active. |
Below is the list of Semen Cryo Preservation events that will be triggered whenever a semen cryo preservation is created or updated.
Occurs when semen cryo preservation is created in ARTis.
"event": "semen-cryo-preservation.created",
"version": "1",
"eventId": "f8ca8ea0-0840-11ef-8211-0242ac120003",
"data": {
"branchCode": "Hyd-1",
"id": 10000030,
"serviceCode": "SCRYO-1004",
"serviceName": "Semen Freezing - Short Term",
"serviceClassification": "SCLS-122",
"cost": 0,
"mrp": 0,
"active": true
Event data attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
branchCode |
string | Branch code. |
id |
integer | Unique identifier for the semen cryo preservation record from ARTisIVF. |
serviceCode |
string | Semen Cryo Preservation code. |
serviceName |
string | Semen Cryo Preservation name. |
serviceClassification |
string | Service classification code |
cost |
decimal | Cost of the service. |
mrp |
decimal | MRP of the service. |
active |
boolean | true if active. |
Occurs when semen cryo preservation is updated in ARTis.
"event": "semen-cryo-preservation.updated",
"version": "1",
"eventId": "f8ca8ea0-0840-11ef-8211-0242ac120003",
"data": {
"branchCode": "Hyd-1",
"id": 10000030,
"serviceCode": "SCRYO-1004",
"serviceName": "Semen Freezing - Short Term",
"serviceClassification": "SCLS-122",
"cost": 0,
"mrp": 0,
"active": true
Event data attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
branchCode |
string | Branch code. |
id |
integer | Unique identifier for the semen cryo preservation record from ARTisIVF. |
serviceCode |
string | Semen Cryo Preservation code. |
serviceName |
string | Semen Cryo Preservation name. |
serviceClassification |
string | Service classification code |
cost |
decimal | Cost of the service. |
mrp |
decimal | MRP of the service. |
active |
boolean | true if active. |
Below is the list of Other Service events that will be triggered whenever a Other Service is created or updated.
Occurs when a other service is created in ARTis.
"event": "other-service.created",
"version": "1",
"eventId": "f8ca8ea0-0840-11ef-8211-0242ac120003",
"data": {
"branchCode": "Hyd-1",
"id": 10000030,
"serviceCode": "SRVC-1000",
"serviceClassification": "SCLS-124",
"cost": 0,
"mrp": 0,
"active": true
Event data attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
branchCode |
string | Branch code. |
id |
integer | Unique identifier for the other service record from ARTisIVF. |
serviceCode |
string | Service code of the service. |
serviceName |
string | Service name. |
serviceClassification |
string | Service classification code. |
cost |
decimal | Service cost value. |
mrp |
decimal | Service mrp value. |
active |
boolean | true if active. |
Occurs when a other service is updated in ARTis.
"event": "other-service.updated",
"version": "1",
"eventId": "f8ca8ea0-0840-11ef-8211-0242ac120003",
"data": {
"branchCode": "Hyd-1",
"id": 10000030,
"serviceCode": "SRVC-1000",
"serviceClassification": "SCLS-124",
"cost": 0,
"mrp": 0,
"active": true
Event data attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
branchCode |
string | Branch code. |
id |
integer | Unique identifier for the other service record from ARTisIVF. |
serviceCode |
string | Service code of the service. |
serviceName |
string | Service name. |
serviceClassification |
string | Service classification code. |
cost |
decimal | Service cost value. |
mrp |
decimal | Service mrp value. |
active |
boolean | true if active. |
Below is the list of Treatment events that will be triggered whenever a Treatment is advised to patient.
Occurs when a treatment is advised to patient in ARTis.
"event": "treatment.advised",
"version": "1",
"eventId": "f8ca8ea0-0840-11ef-8211-0242ac120003",
"data": {
"branchCode": "Hyd-1",
"id": 10000030,
"patientNumber": "BH-1234",
"caseNumber": "BH-551",
"adviseDate": "2023--05-14",
"treatmentAdviceName": "IVF",
"tentativeMonth": "Jun",
"treatmentAdviceStatus": "Waiting",
"consultantDoctor": "Dr. Rajesh Ranjan"
Event data attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
branchCode |
string | The code of the branch where the treatment advice was given. |
id |
Integer | A unique identifier for the treatment. |
patientNumber |
string | A unique identifier for the patient. |
caseNumber |
string | A unique identifier for the specific case. Common to both Patient and Spouse |
adviseDate |
string | The date on which the treatment was advised, formatted as YYYY-MM-DD . Likely start date of the treatment |
treatmentAdviceName |
string | The name of the treatment that has been advised (e.g., IVF, IUI). |
tentativeMonth |
string | The tentative month when the treatment is expected to start, useful for scheduling and planning. |
treatmentAdviceStatus |
string | The current status of the treatment advice (e.g., Pending ,Waiting ,Moved-out ,Allocated ). |
consultantDoctor |
string | The name of the doctor who provided the treatment advice. |
User Module Events
Below is the list of patient events that will be triggered whenever a patient is created or updated.
Occurs when patient is created in ARTis.
"event": "patient.created",
"version": "1",
"eventId": "f8ca8ea0-0840-11ef-8211-0242ac120003",
"data": {
"branchCode": "Hyd-1",
"id": 10000002,
"patientNumber": "ABC-1234",
"caseNumber": "BH-551",
"patientType": "Patient",
"firstName": "Rama",
"lastName": "Krishna",
"mobile": "1234567890",
"countryCode": "91",
"gender": "Male",
"dob": "1895-04-23",
"maritalStatus": "Married",
"referralName": "Dr. Anjali",
"referralType": "Referral doctor",
"zip": "900010",
"registrationDate": "2024-02-15",
"isSelfRegistered": false,
"registrationType": "Clinic",
"appointmentId": 1234,
"email": "",
"occupation": "Software Professional",
"nationalIdentifier": "123456789012",
"addressLine1": "Flat: 123, ABC Apartment",
"addressLine2": "",
"city": "Hyderabad",
"state": "Telangana",
"alternateRegistrationNumber": "",
"leadRefNo": "996662",
"landline": "040123456"
Event data attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
branchCode |
string | Branch code. |
id |
integer | Unique identifier for the patient record from ARTisIVF. |
patientNumber |
string | patient unique number. |
caseNumber |
string | A case number for the patient. Common to both Patient and Spouse |
patientType |
string | patient type. Possible values are Patient and Spouse |
caseNumber |
string | A unique identifier for the specific case. Common to both Patient and Spouse |
firstName |
string | Patient's first name. |
lastName |
string | Patient's last name. |
mobile |
string | Mobile phone number of the patient. |
countryCode |
string | Country code of the patient's phone number. |
gender |
string | Gender of the patient. Possible values are Male and Female |
maritalStatus |
string | marital status of the patient. Possible values are Married and Single |
dob |
string | Date of birth of patient in YYYY-MM-DD format. |
referralType |
string | Referral type. |
referralName |
string | Name of the person that referred the patient. |
zip |
string | Postal code of the patient's address. |
registrationDate |
string | Patient registration date in YYYY-MM-DD format. |
isSelfRegistered |
boolean | Indicates if the patient or spouse registered themselves. |
registrationType |
string | Registration type if available. Possible values are Self and Clinic |
appointmentId |
integer | Id of the appointment record if the patient registered from appointment. |
email |
string | Email address of the patient, if available. |
occupation |
string | Occupation of the patient. |
nationalIdentifier |
string | National identifier of the patient. |
address1 |
string | Primary address line for the patient. |
address2 |
string | Secondary address line for the patient, if available. |
city |
string | City of the patient's address. |
state |
string | State of the patient's address. |
landline |
string | Landline phone number of the patient, if available. |
alternateRegistrationNumber |
string | Alternative registration number of the patient, if any. |
leadRefNo |
string | Lead reference number associated with the patient's record. |
Occurs when patient is updated in ARTis.
"event": "patient.updated",
"version": "1",
"eventId": "f8ca8ea0-0840-11ef-8211-0242ac120003",
"data": {
"branchCode": "Hyd-1",
"id": 10000002,
"patientType": "Patient",
"patientNumber": "ABC-1234",
"caseNumber": "BH-551",
"patientType": "Patient",
"firstName": "Rama",
"lastName": "Krishna",
"mobile": "1234567890",
"countryCode": "91",
"gender": "Male",
"maritalStatus": "Married",
"dob": "1981-07-19",
"referralName": "Dr. Anjali",
"referralType": "Referral doctor",
"zip": "900010",
"registrationDate": "2023-04-14",
"email": "",
"occupation": "Software Professional",
"nationalIdentifier": "123456789012",
"address1": "Flat: 123, ABC Apartment",
"address2": "",
"city": "Hyderabad",
"state": "Telangana",
"alternateRegistrationNumber": "",
"leadRefNo": "996662",
"landline": "040123456"
Event data attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
branchCode |
string | Branch code. |
id |
integer | Unique identifier for the patient record from ARTisIVF. |
patientNumber |
string | patient unique number. |
patientType |
string | patient type. Possible values are Patient and Spouse |
caseNumber |
string | A unique identifier for the specific case. Common to both Patient and Spouse |
firstName |
string | Patient's first name. |
lastName |
string | Patient's last name. |
mobile |
string | Mobile phone number of the patient. |
countryCode |
string | Country code of the patient's phone number. |
gender |
string | Gender of the patient. Possible values are Male and Female |
maritalStatus |
string | marital status of the patient. Possible values are Married and Single |
dob |
string | Date of birth of patient in YYYY-MM-DD format. |
referralType |
string | Referral type. |
referralName |
string | Name of the person that referred the patient. |
zip |
string | Postal code of the patient's address. |
registrationDate |
string | Patient registration date in YYYY-MM-DD format. |
email |
string | Email address of the patient, if available. |
occupation |
string | Occupation of the patient. |
nationalIdentifier |
string | National identifier of the patient. |
address1 |
string | Primary address line for the patient. |
address2 |
string | Secondary address line for the patient, if available. |
city |
string | City of the patient's address. |
state |
string | State of the patient's address. |
landline |
string | Landline phone number of the patient, if available. |
alternateRegistrationNumber |
string | Alternative registration number of the patient, if any. |
leadRefNo |
string | Lead reference number associated with the patient's record. |
Below is the list of donor events that will be triggered whenever a donor is created or updated.
Occurs when donor is created in ARTis.
"event": "donor.created",
"version": "1",
"eventId": "f8ca8ea0-0840-11ef-8211-0242ac120003",
"data": {
"branchCode": "Hyd-1",
"id": 10000030,
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "M",
"mobile": "1234567890",
"countryCode": "91",
"gender": "Male",
"dob": "1895-04-23",
"registrationDate": "2020-03-23",
"patientNumber": "ABC-1234",
"zip": "900010",
"email": "",
"occupation": "Software Professional",
"nationalIdentifier": "123456789012",
"addressLine1": "Flat: 123, ABC Apartment",
"addressLine2": "",
"city": "Hyderabad",
"state": "Telangana",
"alternateRegistrationNumber": "",
"landline": "040123456",
"artBankName": "",
"artBankRegistrationNumber": "",
"artBankReferenceNumber": ""
Event data attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
branchCode |
string | Branch code. |
id |
integer | Unique identifier for the donor record from ARTisIVF. |
firstName |
string | Donor's first name. |
lastName |
string | Donor's last name. |
mobile |
string | Mobile phone number of the donor. |
countryCode |
string | Country code of the donor's phone number. |
gender |
string | Gender of the donor. Possible values are Male and Female |
dob |
string | Date of birth of donor in YYYY-MM-DD format. |
registrationDate |
string | Donor registration date in YYYY-MM-DD format. |
patientNumber |
string | donor number. |
zip |
string | Postal code of the donor's address. |
email |
string | Email address of the donor, if available. |
occupation |
string | Occupation of the donor. |
nationalIdentifier |
string | National identifier of the donor. |
addressLine1 |
string | Primary address line for the donor. |
addressLine2 |
string | Secondary address line for the donor, if available. |
city |
string | City of the donor's address. |
state |
string | State of the donor's address. |
alternateRegistrationNumber |
string | Alternative registration number of the donor, if any. |
landline |
string | Landline phone number of the donor, if available. |
artBankName |
string | Name of the ART bank. |
artBankRegistrationNumber |
string | Registration number of the ART bank. |
artBankReferenceNumber |
string | Reference number provided by the ART bank. |
Occurs when donor is updated in ARTis.
"event": "donor.updated",
"version": "1",
"eventId": "f8ca8ea0-0840-11ef-8211-0242ac120003",
"data": {
"branchCode": "Hyd-1",
"id": 10000030,
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "M",
"mobile": "1234567890",
"countryCode": "91",
"gender": "Male",
"dob": "1895-04-23",
"registrationDate": "2020-03-23",
"patientNumber": "ABC-1234",
"zip": "900010",
"email": "",
"occupation": "Software Professional",
"nationalIdentifier": "123456789012",
"addressLine1": "Flat: 123, ABC Apartment",
"addressLine2": "",
"city": "Hyderabad",
"state": "Telangana",
"alternateRegistrationNumber": "",
"landline": "040123456",
"artBankName": "",
"artBankRegistrationNumber": "",
"artBankReferenceNumber": ""
Event data attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
branchCode |
string | Branch code. |
id |
integer | Unique identifier for the donor record from ARTisIVF. |
firstName |
string | donor's first name. |
lastName |
string | donor's last name. |
mobile |
string | Mobile phone number of the donor. |
countryCode |
string | Country code of the donor's phone number. |
gender |
string | Gender of the donor. Possible values are Male and Female |
dob |
string | Date of birth of donor in YYYY-MM-DD format. |
registrationDate |
string | Donor registration date in YYYY-MM-DD format. |
patientNumber |
string | donor number. |
zip |
string | Postal code of the donor's address. |
email |
string | Email address of the donor, if available. |
occupation |
string | Occupation of the donor. |
nationalIdentifier |
string | National identifier of the donor. |
addressLine1 |
string | Primary address line for the donor. |
addressLine2 |
string | Secondary address line for the donor, if available. |
city |
string | City of the donor's address. |
state |
string | State of the donor's address. |
alternateRegistrationNumber |
string | Alternative registration number of the donor, if any. |
landline |
string | Landline phone number of the donor, if available. |
artBankName |
string | Name of the ART bank. |
artBankRegistrationNumber |
string | Registration number of the ART bank. |
artBankReferenceNumber |
string | Reference number provided by the ART bank. |